# Getting Started


This section of guides is for users and grantors of the CreditRisk portal. If you are trying to fill out a credit application and need help, you can find those guides here.

# Welcome to the CreditRisk Guides

Get set up and learn how to use CreditRisk in your day-to-day business. We've got how-to guides for first-time users, and more detailed guides for users who would like to explore more features, e.g. book management.

# Quick Overview


# Set Up Your Organisation

Once logged in, you need to do the following:

# What's Next

# What is a Gantor vs Applicant

A person or institution that makes a grant or conveyance, in the case of CreditRisk applicaion, it's a user that can request an person ( applicant) to complete application for vetting and gratning credit

Applicant is the persons that is completing the applicaion from sent Grantor

# Trial Period

We offer a trial period for 30 days from signup date. These are the subscription options: