# Updates and Verisons

# Release notes - Version V0.80 July 2022

-   Change reprocess to button with icon under Account
-   Add subscription "Start Date" to Grantor
-   Add banks [ CitiBank | Capitec | Investic ]
-   Age Analysis - Bulk Template Update
-   Limit bank list when ordering Bank code report
-   Sum of "Total Applications" in Linked Accounts display bottom of the table
-   Sum of "Accounts Sent" display bottom of the Table
-   Add Toggle " My App Sent"  to filter for - Sent Applications
-   Add Toggle " My Account"  to filter for to Vet
-   Added:  Pre-legal cost matrix score process and questionnaire

# Release notes - Version v0.78 June 2022

-   Prevent same email domain completing a applcation
-   Show user initials in place of full name
-   Multi Granter - Function
-   Updated Pre-legal and Insured tables with a colour graph for values
-   Pre-legal status update, make required
-   Add quick search account
-   Add next action to prelegal
-   Add "View all" to Dashbaord

# Release notes - Version v0.78 June 2022

-   Emails - and Signup process grammer
-   Note / Follow up design and flow
-   Tab added - page design change
-   Age Analysis - Button
-   Buckets\( filters\) needed- Age Analysis
-   Remove Guide - Book Management
-   Update to Book Managment

# Release notes - Version v0.77 & 76 May 2022

-   Application score remove pty ltd/cc on check
-   Credit insurance request
-   Track / Delete of Pre-Legal
-   Form / Widget on site
-   Finalisation of description of reports to be ordered
-   Re-wording of CR slogen on logo
-   Credit Insurance update
-   Credit vision score matrix
-   Blank Application -> Printable

# Release notes Version v0.75 May 2022

-   Automated Pre-Legal notifications
-   Bulk uploading of Defaults
-   Credit Insurance Tab
-   Resolving Pre-Legal Status
-   Landing page